Istanbul Studies Application And Research Center -

The Regulation of IGU’s Applied Research Center Of İstanbul Studies

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The Regulation of IGU’s Applied Research Center Of İstanbul Studies

The Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
The Purpose
ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of the Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Applied Research  Center (ARCIS) of Istanbul Studies’ aims, fields of activity, management bodies and their responsibilities and the way of working. 
The Scope
ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding thhe procedures and principles of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU)’s Applied Research  Center (ARCIS) of Istanbul Studies’ aims, fields of activity, governing bodies and their responsibilities and the way of working. 
The Base
ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of the sub-clause (d/2) of the first paragraph of the Article 7 and the Article 14 of the Higher Education Law dated 4/11/1981 and numbered 2547.
The Definitions
ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this Regulation;
a) Advisory Board: Advisory Board of the Center,
b) Center (ISTMER): Istanbul Gelisim University’s Applied Research Center (ARCIS) of Istanbul Studies.
c) Director: The Director of the Center,
ç) Rector: Rector of Istanbul Gelişim University,
d) University: Istanbul Gelisim University,
e) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Center,
The Center's Purpose and Fields of Activities
The purpose of the center
ARTICLE 5 – (1) The aim of the centre is to carry out and encourage studies, applied researches on issues related to the province of Istanbul and to announce their  findings  to the public.
The fields of activities of the center
ARTICLE 6 – (1) The activities of the Center are as follows:
a) To reveal what is known about Istanbul untill now through interdisciplinary studies in an accurate and reliable way; to cooperate with relevant organizations for this purpose.
b) To search, analyze and publish documents and resources on Istanbul.
c) To create a library, collection and archive consisting of researches, reports, publications, documents, films, photographs and the like within the scope of the fields of activity.
ç) To provide support to those who want to conduct researches on Istanbul.
d) To provide communication and cooperation between institutions and organizations working on Istanbul and to provide consultancy.
e) To organize seminars, panels, conferences and similar meetings about the activities of the Center.
f) To make suggestions based on the findings of the researches.
The Governing Bodies and Their Responsibilites of the Center
The governing bodies of the center
ARTICLE 7 – (1) The governing bodies of the Center are as follows:
a) The Director.
b) The Board of Directors.
c) The Board of Advisors.
The Director 
ARTICLE 8 – (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector among the teaching staff  (who holds at least Ph.D.) of  the  university for three years. The Director whose term has expired can be reassigned with the same procedure.
(2) The Director presents two persons from among the University teaching staff to the approval of the Rector to be appointed as the Deputy Director. Assistant Managers do the work assigned by the Manager.
The Responsibilities of the Director
ARTICLE 9 – (1) The duties of the director are as follows:
a) To represent the Center.
b) To preside over the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board.
c) To implement the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.
ç) To report on the activities of the Center to the Rector at the end of each year.
d) To submit the budget draft prepared by the Board of Directors to the Rector.
e) To call the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board to a meeting.
The Board of Directors
ARTICLE 10 (1) The Board of Directors consists of a total of five members, including the  four members who are choosen and appointed by the Rector among the teaching staff of the university and the Director.
(2) The term limit of the members of the Board of Directors is three years. Members whose term has expired can be reappointed.
(3) The Board of Directors normally meets once a month under the chairmanship of the Director. When deemed necessary, it may meet more oftenly upon the call of the Director, on an extraordinary basis.
The Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
ARTICLE 11 – (1) The responsibilities of the Board of Directors are as follows:
a) To prepare the center's applied research and training program and work plan and to take decisions on related issues.
b) To establish commissions in various fields of studies and to determine their managers, to analyze and evaluate the reports prepared by the commissions.
c) To prepare the annual activity reports of the Center.
ç) To discuss and decide on other issues suggested by the Director.
d) To prepare the budget draft for the next year.
e) To perform other duties assigned by the provisions of the relevant legislation.
The Board of Advisors and its Responsibilites
ARTICLE 12 – (1) The Board of Advisors; Under the chairmanship of the Director, it consists of a maximum of ten people who have conducted works or are conducting works on any subject related to Istanbul. Members of the Board of Advisors are appointed for three years by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director. Members of the Board of Advisors can be elected from outside and inside the University.
(2) When deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the Board of Advisors meets on a date determined by the Director.
(3) The duty of the Board of Advisors is to make suggestions and contributions about the  activities of the center.
Final Provisions
The Commencement
ARTICLE 13 – (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 14 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the Rector of Istanbul Gelişim University.